Here is a quick guide to Special Educational Needs terminology.

ABA Applied Behavioural Analysis
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADOS Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
APD Auditory Processing Disorder
AR Annual Review
ARP Additional Resource(d) Provision
ASC Autistic Spectrum Condition
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Baseline Assessment A standardised teacher assessment designed to establish the attainment level of children at a significant point
Basic Skills Reading, Writing and Maths
Beacon School A school that has been identified as amongst the best performing in country and represent examples of good practice
BSP Behaviour Support Plan
CAF Central Assessment Framework
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CARS Childhood Autism Rating Scale
CDC Council for Disabled Children
CF Cystic Fibrosis
CFA Children and Families Act 2014
CHAT Comprehensive Health Assessment Tool
CI Communication and Interaction
CIN Child In Need
CL Cognition and Learning
CP Cerebral Palsy
CP Child Protection
CP Clinical Psychologist
CPR Child Protection Register
CYPS Children and and Young Persons Service
DP Direct Payments
DD Disability Discrimination
DfE Department for Education
DFG Disability Facilities Grant
DISCO Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Problems
DSA Disabled Student’s Allowance
DX Diagnosis
E2E Entry to Employment
EA Education Act 1996
EBD Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
EDS Elhers Danlos Syndrome
EWO Education Welfare Officer
EP Educational Psychologist
EPS Educational Psychology Service
EFA Education Funding Agency
EHCP Education, Health and Care Plan
EOTAS Education Other Than at School
ESBD Emotional, Social and Behavioural Difficulties
ESP Early Support Programme
ESW Education Social Worker
EWO Education Welfare Officer
EYCDP Early Years Development and Childcare Plan
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
FE Further Education
FSM Free School Meals
GDD Global Developmental Delay
HI Hearing Impaired
IASS Information, Advice and Support Service
IBP Individual Behaviour Plan
ICP Individual Care Plan
IEP Individual Education Plan
IO Inclusion Officer
IPP Individual Pupil Profile
IPS Independent Parental Supporter
IPSEA Independent Panel for Special Educational Needs
JHS Joint Hypermobility Syndrome
JR Judicial Review
LA Local Authority
LD Learning Difficulties
LGO Local Government Ombudsman
LO Local Offer
LA Local authority
LEA Local Educational Authority
LSA Learning Support Assistant
MDT Multi-Disciplinary Team
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulties
MN Medical Needs
NC National Curriculum
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
NVLD Non-verbal Learning Disorder
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OT Occupational Therapy
OT Occupational Therapist
PB Personal Budget
PDA Pathological Demand Avoidance
PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder
PECS Picture Exchange Communication System
PEP Personal Education Plan
PMLD Profound and Multiple Learning Disability
PP Parent Partnership
PPO Parent Partnership Officer
PT Physiotherapists
RAS Resource Allocation Assessment
RoA Records of Achievement
SA School Action
SA+ School Action Plus
SAL/SLT Speech and Language Therapy
SaLT Speech and Language Team
SEN Special Educational Needs
SENCo Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SLD Severe Learning Difficulties
SLD Specific Learning Disorder
SMO School Medical Officer
SPD Sensory Processing Disorder
SpLD Specific Learning Difficulties
SPM Sensory, Physical, Medical
SS Social Services
SW Social Worker
TA Teaching Assistant
TAC Team Around Child
VI Visual Impairment
VPD Visual Processing Disorder