REACH Supervisors


REACH supervisors have extensive training and are experienced in working with autistic children and with children with other social and communication difficulties. They create and implement our bespoke packages for children and families to suit their individual needs. They also provide ongoing support and practical training for our families.

REACH Tutors

Tutors A

REACH tutors are overseen and guided by our REACH Supervisors, our tutors are trained to support your child and the whole family within your home when you opt for our 'In House Crisis Outreach Service'.  They will support your child on a one to one basis and will work on the bespoke program designed specifically for your child, they are fun, child led and will support the family as a whole.

SaLT – Speech and Language Therapist


Speech and language therapists support our REACH children with communication difficulties. Our speech and language therapist will liaise with our Supervors and will recommend and use a wide range of interventions to develop communication skills, including language programmes, speech sound programmes, supporting the use of alternative or augmentative communication systems. This consequently means more successful communication and can reduce frustration.

OT – Occupational Therapist


Occupational Therapists work with our REACH children on functional skills, sensory needs, cross body exercises and self-help skills. They may work alongside our Supervisors on any courses we provide that may we require an OT.